Families Who Flow Together, Grow Together.
Family in Flow is your place to build healthy, respectful and enjoyable relationships with your kids for a lifetime.

Family is forever and is your most precious investment in life.
In today’s world, our teens and young adult’s health is in crisis: Mentally, physically and emotionally.
In this fast paced digital world, chronic stress, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, exhaustion and hopelessness have become an epidemic.
To change the trajectory of the family unit, kids need a strong foundation, and it starts at home, with YOU!
At Family in Flow, we believe for true wholeness, harmony and flow in a family, parents and children must support each other as they evolve and adapt.
Parents are their children’s greatest influences and trusted resources for building respectful and healthy lifetime relationships. Teens and young adults must master self-worth and life skills to become truly competent in creating healthy, balanced and meaningful lives before they launch into the world. Together, we build the next generation of healthy, whole and thriving adults.
It’s truly a family affair.
10 most powerful 2-letter words
If it is to be, it is up to me!
30-Day Journey to Family Harmony with One Timeless Tool a Day
Get In Flow Today!
Plus Receive our Bonus One-Minute Video Reminders to strengthen your family's relationships.

Jill empowers parents,teens and young adults to master timeless and ageless skills.
People Skills
Life is about people. How we build, manage and value relationships. How we develop and nurture connections.
Communication Skills
Life is about communication. How we communicate, listen, react and respond.
Self-Management Skills
Life is about our health and well-being. How we manage stress and adapt to change to become resilient.
Greater Good Skills
Life is about generosity. How we help each other and the planet by leading with integrity and kindness.
The Dynamic Duo:
Desire + Discipline =
A Thriving Life in Flow

Be Empowered with Jill
Transformational Journeys
1:1 Transformational Journeys are for parents, young adults or teens who need private, dedicated and self-empowerment coaching to build a solid foundation within themselves, their families, and their lives. Not temporarily, but for a lifetime. You have to be whole before you can build healthy relationships with family or anyone. Partnering with Jill once a week keeps you engaged, motivated, accountable and supported. This is how transformation happens. It’s not magic—it’s you showing up for yourself without fail. It’s a phenomenal journey.
Parent Coaching Course
Jill's online Parent Coaching Course is so special, tried-and-true, and celebrated by parents. Her self-paced video lessons are engaging, enriching, eye-opening and are accompanied by live coaching with Jill 2-times a month for 4-months to keep you motivated, accountable, and supported. She designed this online program specifically for parents who need the freedom to dive in on their own schedule along with the comfort of knowing the content is available to pull from when needed at anytime.
Hi, I’m Jill!
An empowerment educator and coach for teens, young adults, and parents.
My expertise and focus are on the health and wholeness of the family unit and its flow.
Family in Flow is my passion, my heart’s work and my life’s contribution.
We all have strengths, gifts and talents. Some of mine have been inspiring others to recognize their own, and empower them to step into their greatness.
Being a mom and going through my own family challenges and growing pains, I knew there had to be a better way to parent, a better way to relate to my kids, and a better way to build a strong family foundation.
Having worked with teens and young adults for decades, I knew I had the perfect opportunity to bring the kids and parents together, making their family relationships more fun, connected, respected, and enjoyable.
This is what I call a family being in flow, and why I was inspired to create my Family in Flow program. It helped transform my own family relationships, and has helped so many families in my area.
I'm a family educator, coaching parents to create productive pathways for their families to grow and evolve together instead of growing apart. Family is for life, and is our most precious investment in our lives.
And most importantly, I’ll be your partner in your family’s success.
Families who flow together, grow together!
